不健康的迷恋,能让爱情更长久? | 科学60秒两性&情感合集

来源: 环球科学

发布日期: 2020-05-02



本次合集中的研究,分别来自Gerontological Society of America; Journal of Social and personal Relationships; Psychological Science; Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; Social Psychological Personality and Science; Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Science; Psychological Bulletin等期刊。

不健康的迷恋,能让爱情更长久?(Lookin' Crazy in Love)

性生活才是老年幸福的保障?(Sex Keeps Elderly Happier in Marriage)Gerontological Society of America

异性之间存在纯粹的友谊吗?男女想法差异原来这么大(Attraction between Friends of Opposite Sexes)Journal of Social and personal Relationships

男性嫉恨身体出轨、女性憎恶情感背叛,事实真的如此吗?(Sex Differences in Jealousy)Psychological Science

分手后应该互删好友吗?这么做或许能让你好受点(Keeping Facebook Tabs with Ex Is a Double-Edged Sword)Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

“男人不坏女人不爱”的原因原来是……(Bad Boys and Gals Present as More Attractive)Social Psychological Personality and Science

避孕药不仅能避孕,还能影响性满意度(Women on the Pill Might Like Men's Credentials, but Unsatisfied in Bed)Proceedings of the Royal Society B

颜值争议性越大,追求者就越多?(Play Up That Ugly Trait)OkCupid

女性伤心时留下的泪水,会让男性“性趣”降低(Women's Tear Contents Lessen Men's Sexual Arousal)Science

男生比女生更擅长数学?研究证据vs刻板印象(No Gender Gap in Math)Psychological Bulletin

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