
作者: 牛头人潜行者

来源: 果壳

发布日期: 2019-11-05



参考文献:[1] Zawadzki M J , Graham J E , Gerin W . Rumination and anxiety mediate the effect of loneliness on depressed mood and sleep quality in college students.[J]. Health Psychology, 2013, 32(2):212-222.

[2] Cacioppo J T , Fowler J H , Christakis N A . Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness in a Large Social Network[J]. Social Science Electronic Publishing, 2009, 97(6):977-91.

[3] Dexia K , Joan D , Xinqi D . Loneliness, Depressive Symptoms, and Cognitive Functioning Among U.S. Chinese Older Adults[J]. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2018, 4:233372141877820-.

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