被大雨淋过的你还好吗?借着这波大雨,我们一起来看看和下雨有关的英语表达。被网友疯传的大雨究竟该如何表达呢?It has been raining heavily in the last few days.连续下了几天大雨。图片来源:hellorf
Weeks of heavy rain have washed away roads and bridges.几周的大雨将道路和桥梁都冲垮了。想表达大雨可以直接用 heavy 或者 heavily来修饰,瓢泼大雨可以用pour。The rain had been pouring down all night.整夜都在下着倾盆大雨。图片来源:57gif
Pour down 除了表达下雨,还可以表达液体、烟雾或光线的涌流和倾泻。Tears poured down his cheeks.眼泪顺着他的面颊落下。图片来源:57gif
如果要表达倒出、流出的意思,则可以说 pour sth.(out)I was in the kitchen, pouring out drinks.我在厨房里倒饮料。
It never rains, but it pours 是一个常用俚语:祸不单行。First Tom lost his job, then his wife fell ill; it never rains but it pours.先是汤姆失业,后来他妻子又病了,真是祸不单行。
此外,雨还可以表达康复的意思:You will be as right as rain in ten minutes.过十分钟你就会完全好的。
瓢泼大雨总是让人苦恼,蒙蒙细雨却很有意境。在英语中,小雨和细雨怎样表达呢?Drizzle、 light rain 和 fine rain 都可以。The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.毛毛雨现在已经停了,太阳正破云而出。图片来源:YouTube
A light rain began to fall.小雨开始飘落。The fine rain turned to mist in the early evening.傍晚,细雨变成了薄雾。
不论是大雨还是小雨,把雨具放在包里,感觉要下雨了就可以立马用起来。如果你感觉要下雨了,可以这样表达:It looks like rain.看上去要下雨。It’s going to rain.快下雨了。
With rain threatening, we headed home as quickly as we could.眼看要下雨,我们尽快往家赶去。The air held a threat of rain.空气中有雨意。
如果,不幸被困在雨中,你可以这么表达:We got caught in the rain on the way home.我们在回家路上被雨困住了。图片来源:57gif
We drove slowly through the rain.我们在雨中缓缓行驶。今天我们总结了和雨相关的常见用法,下次下雨记得 practice 哟,让我们一起享受这个多雨的初夏吧。Let's dance and sing in the rain.电影《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain)的男主在雨中欢快地舞蹈、歌唱。图片来源:gfycat