
作者: Ally

来源: 果壳少年

发布日期: 2018-05-13


5月的第二个星期天,也就是今天,是我们伟大妈妈们的节日:母亲节(Mother’s Day)。今天教你几个向妈妈表达爱的方式,大声说出你的爱吧!如果你是含蓄的girl,Though I don't tell you often, thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother’s Day. 虽然不常说,但谢谢您一直支持我。祝您节日快乐。

碰巧你是一个戏精,Mom, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky. 妈妈,我对你的爱如海深,如山高。

想走煽情路线的朋友,If one day, when my parents can’t stand still or walk any longer, I would hold their hands tightly and walk with them slowly, like they hold me before. 如果有一天,当父母站也站不稳,走也走不动的时候,我会紧紧握住他们的手,陪他们慢慢地走,就像当年他们牵着我一样。

如果你想被宠(爆)爱(打),Dear Mom, I was gonna give you all expenses paid, first-class trip to Hawaii for Mohter’s Day. But I knew how much you’d miss me, and I just couldn’t put you through that kind of agony. 亲爱的母亲大人,我本打算在母亲节那天给你一场费用全包、顶级豪华的夏威夷之旅。

但是我知道你会有多想我,所以我不能让你经受这种痛苦。如果你是你妈亲生的,Mom, on Mother’s Day, I'm taking you to lunch and a movie. My treat! 妈妈,在母亲节这一天,我带你去下馆子、看电影,我请客!再学几个与母亲节相关的单词,相信会是给你妈妈最好的礼物!

appreciation [pri:i e n] n. 感谢,感激,I want to express my appreciation for my mother’s hard work. 我想为我母亲的辛勤劳动表示感谢。treat [tri:t] v. 招待,款待,My father and I want to treat my mother to dinner. 我爸爸和我想请妈妈吃晚餐。

v. 对待,处理,I always treat my mother as my friend. 我常常将我妈妈看作我的朋友。be there/here(for sb.)支持某人,As your friend, I will always be there for you. 作为朋友,我会一直支持你。学了这么多,不管你是哪一款,赶快去向你妈妈表白吧!

UUID: 676f0e0c-3402-437b-ad50-30b0e4719ffd

原始文件名: /home/andie/dev/tudou/annot/AI语料库-20240917-V2/AI语料库/果壳少年公众号-pdf2txt/2018-2019/2018-05-13_母亲节|你想对你母后大人说的话!.txt

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