
来源: 《环球科学》

发布日期: 2017-12-04


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能源:Musk’s Tesla built the powerpack system, which can provide electricity for more than 30,000 homes, to ease South Australia's energy woes after the state was hit with a total blackout in 2016 following an "unprecedented" storm. The maverick billionaire earlier this year offered on Twitter to build the battery farm, and completed it last week to narrowly beat his self-imposed deadline of having it ready in 100 days. The battery farm is expected to help tackle power shortages, reduce intermittencies and address demands in summer, when most of the country experiences its highest energy usage.医学:In the barely three years since biologists discovered how to create these “brain organoids,” the lentil-sized structures have taken neuroscience by storm. Starting with a recipe developed by scientists in Austria, researchers from Japan and China to Europe and North America are seeding lab dishes with human stem cells, adding special molecules — many labs, like chili chefs, have their own secret blends — that make the stem cells morph into a variety of brain cells. They then put the dishes into special chambers called bioreactors that keep them warm and in gentle motion reminiscent of a womb, encouraging the cells to form blobs with working neurons and many other features of a full-size human brain.化学:What is particularly remarkable about their alternative nucleic-acid chemistry is that their new base pair isn’t linked together, like normal DNA bases, by hydrogen bonding. Instead, it incorporates bulky organic heterocyclic groups which stick to one another in water by the mutual attraction of hydrophobic units. The Scripps group has showed that a bacterial tRNA engineered to have an anticodon with one component of the non-natural pair can recognise and stick to the complementary codon in mRNA transcribed from a corresponding gene within a DNA plasmid added to the cells. A crucial trick is to use tRNA-loading enzymes that are not sensitive to their non-natural anticodons, such as the E. coli tRNA synthetase that loads tRNA with the amino acid serine. The researchers first used this system to insert serine at a position on a standard protein – green fluorescent protein (GFP) – coded by the non-natural base pair.天文:Assuming that the formation of black holes follows that of stars, the researchers calculate the rate at which black hole collisions should be detected at large redshifts. They find that beyond a redshift of about 40—where observed objects were formed during the first 65 million years following the big bang—the rate of collisions should drop to less than one per year. This epoch should be within reach of the next generation of gravitational-wave observatories. If these instruments find that black holes were bumping together more often than once per year during that period, then at least some black holes were formed before stars: They are either primordial remnants of the infant Universe or products of unusually dense regions that are more common than predicted by current models. Finding evidence for primordial black holes could shed light on the nature of dark matter or on the origin of cosmic structure in the early Universe.音频:https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/yeti-claims-dont-bear-up/ 视频:https://www.scientificamerican.com/video/new-frizzy-haired-orangutan-species/

UUID: 93a97927-62be-41ca-80ed-0ac41a0d035d

原始文件名: /home/andie/dev/tudou/annot/AI语料库-20240917-V2/AI语料库/环球科学公众号-pdf2txt/2017/2017-12-04_《环球科学》新一轮实习生招募啦!.txt

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