
作者: Ent

来源: 果壳

发布日期: 2017-03-02


有人在吗?嗯,Ent想要一个实习生……这是由Ent带来的实习编辑岗位。工作地点在北京,希望每周坐班3天,实习3个月以上。有实习补助,限在校生。这个岗位会涉及处理英语的自然科学内容,但是我们并不限定英语专业或者理科专业。以及,如果你的英语口语和听力都十分出色,这个岗位还有可能有些小小的福利——不过具体是什么,要遇到了才知道。试题1 翻译以下句子。

Still, you would have had to be a lot more churlish than me – and have spent a lot less time staring at a brick wall – not to be impressed by the Rainbow Bridge. This won’t be a lecture on the merits of open science, on replications, on how we should care more about the truth than about novelty and “sexiness”. All of these things are undoubtedly true in my mind and they are things we as a community should be actively working to change – but this is no help to young scientists who are still trying to make a name for themselves in a system that continues to reward high-impact publications over substance. Most inventions in aerodynamic design are represented—from the delta-wing and wing-body airplanes of the familiar Concord and B-2 stealth bomber to the lesser known variable-sweep wing design that converts a fighter jet into a long-range cruiser in mid-flight to bizarre looking canard airplanes with two pairs of wings. Since DNA testing has become cheap, parthenogenic reproduction has begun to reveal itself like some dark secret that certain species have been hiding from biologists since before Darwin’s voyage on the HMS Beagle. 试题2 假如去采访Steven Pinker,你会向他提出怎样的问题呢?

请用英文至少提出3个问题。试题3 DresdenCodak有一副漫画叫Advanced Dungeons and Discourse。这幅漫画里塞满了梗,请你挑选几个你喜欢的梗并讲解一下。试题4 你平常主要的中文新闻来源是什么?英文的新闻来源又是什么?试题5 过去一年里你看过的电视剧/电影/动漫里,有没有哪部作品使用了让你印象深刻的科学元素?

讲讲这个科学元素在剧中是怎样使用的,它在现实中又是怎样的。试题6 你读过的最富想象力的作品是什么?试着安利一下这部作品的想象力。作品的类型没有限制,小说、电影、漫画、动画、非虚构甚至网络小说和同人文都没有关系。请将应聘邮件发送到job@guokr.com,标题中注明“应聘Ent实习生”。ImagineNature一个写作训练,为现实中的自然故事赋予抒情性。


UUID: 08d8814c-2f9c-474d-bb69-9ca90c09e5aa

原始文件名: /home/andie/dev/tudou/annot/AI语料库-20240917-V2/AI语料库/果壳公众号-pdf2txt/2017/2017-03-02_有人在吗?嗯,Ent想要一个实习生…….txt

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