Reproduced based on Robert Boyle's book, New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching the Spring of the Air, and Its Effects (1660).梅奥研究蜡烛燃烧实验装置,1674。
Reproduced based on John Mayow's book, Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici(1674).梅奥研究动物呼吸实验装置,1674。Reproduced based on John Mayow's book, Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici(1674).黑尔斯研究物质发酵产生气体的装置,1727。
Reproduced based on Stephen Hales' book, Vegetable Staticks(1727).普利斯特里气体实验装置,1774。
Reproduced based on Joseph Priestley's book, Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air(1774).普利斯特里用电火花引发气体化学反应的装置,1774。
Reproduced based on Joseph Priestley's book, Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air(1774).舍勒制备氧气实验装置,1777。
Reproduced based on Carl W. Scheele's book, Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer (1777).卡文迪许研究氢氧混合爆炸的装置,1784。
Reproduced based on Henry Cavendish's paper, Experiments on Air (1784) and photos of this apparatus on Science Museum's website.拉瓦锡水银氧化实验装置,1789。
Reproduced based on Antonine Lavoisier's book, Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (1789).拉瓦锡红磷燃烧实验装置,1789。
Reproduced based on Antonine Lavoisier's book, Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (1789).拉瓦锡研究物质发酵产生气体的装置,1789。
Reproduced based on Antonine Lavoisier's book, Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (1789).伏打电堆,1800。
Reproduced based on Alessandro Volta's research paper, On Electricity Excited by the Mere Contact of Conducting Substances of Different Kinds(1800) and photos of voltaic piles on the internet.戴维安全灯,1816(左),1818(右)。
Reproduced based on Humphry Davy's research paper, On the Fire-Damp of Coal Mines, and on Methods of Lighting the Mines so as to Prevent Its Explosion (1816) and his book, On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners, with Some Researches on Flame (1818).李比希有机物元素分析装置,1837。
Reproduced based on Justus von Liebig's book, Anleitung zur Analyse Organischer Körper (1837) and photos of this apparatus on Liebig Museum website.基尔霍夫光谱仪,1860。
Reproduced based on Gustav Kirchhoff's research paper, Chemical Analysis by Spectrum-Observations (1860).上面仪器CG复原工作得到了上海网晟网络科技有限公司刘辉先生的慷慨资助,在此我们深表感谢!欢迎点击“阅读原文”,访问“美丽化学”新版网站,发现更多精彩内容。