基础篇:How I wish I could recollect pi easily today!
基础plus篇:May I have a large container of coffee, cream and sugar?
中级篇:How I wish a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics!
高阶篇:It's a fact. A ratio immutable. Of circle round and width. Produces geometry's deepest conundrum. For as the numerals stay random. No repeat lets out its presence. Yet it forever stretches forth. Nothing to eternity.
变态篇(到小数点后75位,用长度为10的单词代表0):Now I defy a tenet gallantly. Of circle canon law: these integers. Importing circles' quotients are, we see. Unwieldy long series of cockle burs. Put all together, get no clarity; Mnemonics shan't describeth so reformed. Creating, with a grammercy plainly. A sonnet liberated yet conformed.
Strangely, the queer'st rules I manipulate. Being followéd, do facilitate. Whimsical musings from geometric bard. This poesy, unabashed as it's distressed. Evolvéd coherent - a simple test. Discov'ring poetry no numerals jarred.